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Course Name : SaraLa KaTina Samskrutam
Course Duration : 20 hours of grammar + 10 hours of practice with Vishnusahasranama and Ramayana
Start Date : June 26th 2023 to 8th September 2023
Time : 8:00 to 8:30 pm IST
An advanced course that offers to focus on a formal implementation of
sarala-kaTinasamskrutham which will also aid in the understanding of spoken Sanskrit.
This course has more in-depth grammatical concepts which is a pre-requisite to understanding Indian scriptures like Ramayana, Bhagavadgita, etc.
Duration: 3 parts, 15 hours each

Ramayana, apart from being a great Indian scripture is also a collection of timeless wisdom about the ways of life. As a precursor to the entire Ramayana epic, Valmiki has composed a summary of the epic that gives a glimpse of the whole scripture. This course covers the shlokas associated with the summary of the great scripture.
Duration: 2 parts, 15 hours each

Every object in nature has a quality. One has to experience the object to understand its quality. Vedas and Upanishads term this process of learning as "TaTwa Shasthra". This course helps to understand the intricate details associated with Tatwa Shastra which further enables to get an all-round perspective of any subject matter. It also introduces the terminologies defined in Tatwa Shastra.
Duration: 20 hours

In Sanskrit, "Aaptha" means the one who is a true well-wisher and is able to provide unbiased guidance in times of need. When the world was in crisis, the Lord, in the form of Krishna, gave such guidance to Arjuna which is recorded in the form of Bhaghavadgita. This course goes through the meaning of the conversations that are a part of the great compilation.
Duration: 30 hours

Language is a way to express emotions and to understand a culture. Sanskrit is one of the keys to understand the root of Indian culture. This language comprises of spoken and textual parts. The course focuses on textual and grammatical aspects of Sanskrit paving the way for easier and basic understanding of the language.
Duration : 20 hours of subject + 10 hours of practice sessions on Ramayana and Vishnusahasranama

From a Kavi's(poet) mind comes a Kaavya(poem). Study of such Kaavyas provide the needed grip to fathom the ancient Indian culture as well as the root of Sanskrit language. Such Maha Kaavyas of great meaning are uncovered in this course.
Duration: 15 hours

Madhvacharya was a Hindu philosopher and the chief proponent of the Dwaita school of Vedanta. To understand the life and teachings of Madhvacharya, his own student, Narayana Pandithacharya, composed a scripture which is detailed in this course.
Duration: 2 parts, 15 hours each

The ancient story of the three foolish princes who were transformed into very capable beings with the help of five techniques by Vishnusharma is called Panchathanthram. The fables which are a part of this story will help shape our lives as well as understand the language of Sanskrit in its completeness.
Duration: 15 hours

As a Bhaktha(devotee), what one can offer to the all-giving lord is Bhakthi(devotion). This act of gratitude can be expressed in the form of Sthothras. This course compiles stories associated with personality development for children and the chanting of above mentioned Sthothras.
Duration: 15 hours (age limit: 8-16 years)